
magento using the details - Add a category name to products address

Magento Shop:fridge-magnet-online-shop

magento add the classification to the products address (Use Categories Path for the Product URLs,) is the classification name added to the url of the product, to introduce the advantages and disadvantages of how to set up and set whether or not in this blog.

I am using Magento 1.4 version, the version we used may vary, but generally not much different.

# Glossary: URL refers to web site, the network address.

This setting position in the System -> Configuration -> catalog -> Search Engine Optimizations

Set “use categories path fpr for product urls”to 'YES'

When this is set to open when the product the following address:
http://www. your web site .com / electronics / cameras / accessories / slr-camera-tripod.html
We can see its address to reflect the higher level classification of the current products, electronics -> cameras -> accessories. Although very long, but you can distinguish between the classification of information on this product based on the URL.
When to turn off this setting when the following address:
http://www. yourdomain.com / slr-camera-tripod.html
The web site and does not reflect the classification of product information, looks very simple.
Note: in some version of magento, change settings, please go to System -> the Index Management, refresh, or settings may not take effect.
This setting is in the end what we need to pay attention to it? Me, the reminder to everyone, do not have to do as I say do.
SEO should avoid multiple addresses corresponding to the same page, if three or four different web site corresponding to the same content, which is obviously bad. We should be planned, so as not often go to transform the URL.
In magento, when we need to reflect the product classification in which the URL to open it. However, this in SEO URL the distance from home far away, because more than one classification in the URL. Magento in a product can belong to different categories, this time with a product may have more than one URL address is the same, but the web content. And if the classification changes, the address of your products will follow the changes, once the search engine a collection of your product, but the address has changed, and this collection does not exist, the number went to 301 is also not realistic. Of course, in magento, set up to avoid because the URL changes, but lost the URL indexed by search engines (the impression that this feature in the early magento version). Create Permanent the Redirect for old URLs, if the key, Url changed below the red line in the figure above, is to change the URL to keep the meaning of the old address, old and new addresses can be used (this setting needs attention).
magento add category name to products address features vary from person to person, everyone in the beginning of magento use plan, so as not to cause trouble later just fine.

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magento details - Add store code to Urls


One option is to set the code to add stores to the Website (the Add Store Code to Urls), I would say under this setting the role in the setting of magento. This example uses the Magento version 1.4.(popular fridge magnets)

This setting is located in the System -> Configuration -> Web->url opintion

setting 'add store code to urls'  to 'NO'.

This setting magento store the view (multi-language stores) work, which the store code refers to the System -> Manage stores, the store code in the existing store view (store view)

It is assumed that you have three stores View (store view, is the front desk of the language switch), respectively, for the English shop code en French shop for fr.

If you do not open the Add Store Code to Urls this set, your URL is not anything special. You switch to a different shop (store the view, is the language of the front desk to switch), your address bar may occur following URL:

http:// ............ /? ___store = fr & ___from_store = en

For example:

This means that, to jump from the en (English Branch) fr (French shop).

When you open the Add Store, Code to Urls set, then switch your store view (store view is the front desk of the language switch)

For example:

http:// ......... / fr/electronics/cameras/digital-cameras/olympus-stylus-750-7-1mp-digital-camera.html

http:// ......... / en/electronics/cameras/digital-cameras/olympus-stylus-750-7-1mp-digital-camera.html

Note that more than a fr and en in front of the URL.

This is the article talking about setting Add store code to the web site (the Add Store Code to Urls), the effect of this option.

Note: Due to the URL, set enabled to go to System -> the Index Management refresh.


With this setting, the language is not the same due to different the store view (language shop). The same product with a French address, an English address, can be submitted to different search engines, or do different promotion. But things are double-edged sword, the specific circumstances need specific analysis.

Magnet Shop:fridge-magnets-online-shop || foot-locker


magento use details - set the magento default Product Image

Magento Shop:fridge-magnet-online-shop

magento in if the product does not have a picture is displayed magento default picture. As follows, such as the red part of the picture.
 The red part of the default picture in the the magento background can be set. Enter the System-> Configuration-> Catalog-> Product Image Placeholders in the following diagram

Production of the appropriate size ratio of the picture, upload it here, then save. Last refresh magento cache. In front page you can see the following results.

magento default product picture is our website logo or advertising, increasing magento user experience, let our magento website look more professional and friendly.

My mgaento weisite:cool fridge magnet || foot locker

magento clear the database log

Magneto website:fridge-magnet-online-shop

Set magento automatically empty the database log log magento thin speed.
Some time to look at the magento database, found a huge database change. This is caused magento itself will not clear the log by default. Bloated magento database in the log for us to do a backup move is very convenient for our servers also no good. In addition to these records log magento table can manually empty the can also set the magento own timing empty the database log files.  Set magento automatically empty the log method is as follows.
1) log on to your magento background to enter the System> Configuration 2) in the left column to enter the Advanced> System 3) Open the Log Cleaning  

4) Set the "save log, and days to a value, this unit is days, I feel empty just  once a few days 5) is set to activate automatically empty log settings

Set in to view your magento site less time automatic operation, after all, your server will consume. 


To manually empty the log table, the reference to clear the table below, if phpmyadmin more easily pay attention to your table prefix, do not directly paste the following code to avoid coding errors caused by, the best the phpmyadmin operation or handwritten code.

TRUNCATE `log_quote`;
 TRUNCATE `log_summary`.;
 TRUNCATE `log_summary_type`;
 TRUNCATE `log_url`;
 TRUNCATE `log_url_info`;
 TRUNCATE `log_visitor`;
 TRUNCATE `log_visitor_info`;
 TRUNCATE `log_visitor_online`;
 TRUNCATE `report_event`;
 TRUNCATE `report_event_types`;

My Magneto website:MINI-fridge-magnet |foot locker


magento details - Add store code to Urls

One option is to set the code to add stores to the Website (the Add Store Code to Urls), I would say under this setting the role in the setting of magento. This example uses the Magento version 1.4.

This setting is located in the System -> Configuration -> Web

set add store code to urls "NO"

This setting magento store the view (multi-language stores) work, which the store code refers to the System -> Manage stores, the store code in the existing store view (store view)

It is assumed that you have three stores View (store view, is the front desk of the language switch), respectively, for the English shop code en French shop for fr.
If you do not open the Add Store Code to Urls this set, your URL is not anything special. You switch to a different shop (store the view, is the language of the front desk to switch), your address bar may occur following URL:
http:// ............ /? ___store = fr & ___from_store = en
For example:
This means that, to jump from the en (English Branch) fr (French shop).
When you open the Add Store, Code to Urls set, then switch your store view (store view is the front desk of the language switch)
For example:
http:// ......... / fr/electronics/cameras/digital-cameras/olympus-stylus-750-7-1mp-digital-camera.html
http:// ......... / en/electronics/cameras/digital-cameras/olympus-stylus-750-7-1mp-digital-camera.html
Note that more than a fr and en in front of the URL.
This is the article talking about setting Add store code to the web site (the Add Store Code to Urls), the effect of this option.
Note: Due to the URL, set enabled to go to System -> the Index Management refresh.

With this setting, the language is not the same due to different the store view (language shop). The same product with a French address, an English address, can be submitted to different search engines, or do different promotion. But things are double-edged sword, the specific circumstances need specific analysis. 

Mangento Online Shop: cool fridge magnet || foot locker


Why I installed magento template Home is empty


Many people have asked me this question why I installed magento template page is empty, and templates demo page?

The answer is this, magento home page content -> page-> home page inside the control in magento background CMS, including the structure of the home page, so it is in the database. We installed the template file, just files, and database relations, generally mounted on the template is the site appearance change, the site's content is not changed.

Here are several situations, to see which fits your situation.

If you use the official website free templates to install Magento the connect, do not think, certainly home not template demo of your original home page is what, after installing the template or what. But you see what instructions you install the template introduced guides to get you home. May have a template with a home page picture switch allows you to add a home page in cms code what

Certain sites available for download magento template, these templates are downloaded, see the template package you downloaded in addition to the app and skin two files folder, there are other files not have documentation will guide you to get under Home.

Formal large companies buy templates, such as templatemonster.com, they are generally, not only will give you a template file, but also to your database file. If you Xiangnong as they touched her demo, no problems. Their installation instructions are very detailed.

Anyway, as a general merchant and want to own post and good-looking home page or need some html and css knowledge, but also know something about Magento. Own fix, find someone helped get under.

Shopping from china: fridge-magnet-online-shop


magento modify the size of product images

 Shopping website:fridge-magnet-online-shop

How to modify the size of the image displayed magento front Magento product image size is related to the code page css modification, so you better understand some css. Sometimes in css to specify the size of the image, you modified the code will not necessarily effect you want, check the css. And do not forget to refresh magento cache.
To my helloblank template, for example, note that you are using the template file path.
The first place product images, product list page
File Location: app \ design \ the frontend \ default \ helloblank \ template \ the catalog \ product \ list.phtml
Search in this document "resize", there are two, because the list of pages List and Grid both display a resize List list shows pictures, the second resize Grid list shows products pictures.

$ This-> helper ('catalog / image') -> init ($ _product, 'small_image') -> resize (135, 135);?> "Width =" 135 "height =" 135 "
Code analysis:
resize (135, 135), is to set the function of the product image size in pixels. width = "135" height = "135" is the css settings. For example, it is changed to 150 pixels wide and 200 pixels high. Then the code is changed to

$ This-> helper ('catalog / image') -> init ($ _product, 'small_image') -> resize (150, 200);?> "Width =" 150 "height =" 200 "
Second place, product details page Product Image
File Location: app \ design \ the frontend \ default \ helloblank \ template \ the catalog \ product \ view \ media.phtml
Search in this file "resize". We will find the two first place is the big picture of the product, and the second is the small map of the diagram below.
.... Resize (265) .... resize (48, 48);?> "Width =" 48 "height =" 48 "....
Code analysis:
When the resize which only one parameter, it is set the width and height are the same. resize (265) is equal to resize (265,256).
This page has a lot of css modification of code, be sure to use firebug and other tools to check, can be modified to how much
Third place, pictures of related products, upsell product images, crosssell Product Image
Related Products picture to modify the file location: app \ design \ frontend \ default \ helloblank \ template \ catalog \ product \ list \ related.phtml
upsell product images to modify file location: app \ design \ frontend \ default \ helloblank \ template \ catalog \ product \ list \ upsell.phtml
crosssell product images to modify file location: app \ design \ frontend \ default \ helloblank \ template \ checkout \ cart \ upsell.phtml
Set the function of the size of the chart or the resize () function, but also basic and said earlier, is the same.
Fourth place, the page sidebar shopping cart product images
File Location: app \ design \ the frontend \ default \ helloblank \ template \ checkout \ cart \ item \ default.phtml
Basic to these, there are other places to change, open the magento template path look, where the method of change. The most important thing is, with the css and your modified code.

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magento move

If your space you can use ssh, you can see the more detailed process of moving in the wiki the official website of the Moving the Magento To Another Server.
Whether your server is linux or windows system, the process is the same, file transfer, transfer database, to initialize the Web site user name password, or not initialized.
1. on the  file:
var folder in the root directory of magento magento system cache folder, which things can be removed to reduce the size of the file transfer. Note, however inside the backup folder to store the to magento background System-> Tool-> backup to run backup after the database file. The backup file, if required, preserved, this folder can also be deleted. If you find inside a pear folder, then it is magic, because there is stored is magento plugin or template package. There are things, backup and then delete it.
magento root directory of the media folder, inside the tmp folder to delete, find under other folders inside the cache file, delete.
magento root directory of the app / etc / local.xml file so the configuration file is to tell magento to which the database server, database name, username and password to access the database. So when you moved to a new space, you wanted to change to your new space. If you do not overwrite this file directly deleted, and will appear in the new space for the first time in the browser to access your magento installation interface, like the first time to install magento installation of the end local.xml they are automatically created better.

local.xml file fragment:
<host> <[CDATA [localhost]]> </ host> <! - Database Server Address, localhost refers to the local ->
<username> <[CDATA [root]]> </ username> <! - database username ->
<password> <! [CDATA []]> </ password> <! - Database Password ->
<dbname> <! [CDATA [magento1324test]]> </ dbname> <! - database name ->
<active> 1 </ active>
</ Connection>
</ Default_setup>
2.  on the database
The biggest headache is the magento database, for each export is very strenuous, and each time you import will have false alarms, but in the end everything is normal.
The name of the database file with the log table, should all be cleared, I tried, and finally everything is working properly. You please make a backup emptied after running the experiment, no problem and then do it, Magento is a very magical thing, I always can not guarantee that nothing.
Small database can be exported using phpmyadmin or with the magento background of the System-> Tool-> backup backup. Database large with ssh is the most convenient. If you do not understand ask a technical customer service or technical customer service to help you back up. A lot of space cpanel or other Web-based management software can also backup school.
Do not have to modify any table in the database, even if you want to change the URL to change magento background username and password, if you want to change, as long as the above mentioned apc / etc / local.xml file so files deleted can be sure to empty your var folder, and then initialize your Magento.
If your magento other space change magento dedicated space to install, and now you want to pay attention to your magento database tables prefixed in apc / etc / local.xml file so the configuration file, you can see, there are , then write in the configuration file or the installation process, or you'll be in trouble.
local.xml fragment:
<table_prefix> <! [CDATA []]> </ table_prefix in> <! - here code fragment shows no prefix, but you should pay attention to you ->

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magento web site optimization

magento product classification

Before optimization URL:
Optimized Website:
magento product detail page
Before optimization URL:
Optimized Website:

Set the following location:

*Note the red part of the blank, is to remove the URL behind ‘.Html’.
*The blue part is set to ‘NO’, the blue part is to set whether the classification of the product added to the url of the product, chooseNO’ without .

*Note that the green part to be set to YES 

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Magento the csv file editor

magento csv editor 'killink'. Please google 'killink CSV' and download.

Recommend a CSV file editor, we went to Baidu or google to search "killink csv". This CSV good editor.

We generally do when magento data import and export and freight table willing to spend a CSV file editor. Some good editor is very handy.

all my website(cute fridge magnets || tn requin) has import product with the csv file and edit by this 'killink'csv editor.

magento get rid of index.php/index.html

(1) in system-> configuration ->general->web->search engine optimization  to make sure the "Use Web server rewiters" set to 'yes'

(2)In system-> configuration->catalog->catalog->searcg enging optimization,make sure the"product url suffix"and"category url suffix" set to 'empty'

(3)Refresh the cache in the system-> the cache management, cache in the cache management in the catalog are the refresh, clear, rebulid.

(4)Go to the front desk to refresh the page.

then it's done.

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Magento Template theme installation

           Note that the distinction between "theme pack" and "theme files" these two concepts. The theme that we used in the theme file, theme package can contain a number of theme files.

***The first step in understanding magento theme 

First, we look at the magento theme file storage rules
Theme file path is generally
app / design / frontend / theme package folder / theme file folder / layout + locael + template

skin / frontend / theme package folder / themes file
folder/ css + images + js 

***Understanding of the second step magento theme

When the newly installed a magento, Magento default theme file path in the default theme packages as follows
app / design / the frontend / default / default
the skin / the frontend / default / default
The red part of the package for the theme name "default"
The blue part of the theme folder name "default"
Default magento theme is the default setting, so the blank is set in the background settings to default

***Recognize magento theme of the third step

We look backstage
system-> configration -> general-> design
To use the theme file path is as follows, the background settings as shown below
app / design / frontend / default / blank
the skin / the frontend / default / blank
*** Recognize magento theme of the fourth step

When you buy a new magento theme, his theme of the package name is blank, the file path may be as follows like
Background settings, the theme file name of the package is "blank", the theme folder name is "theme039
*** Note

If your theme package the following files
app / design / frontend / blank / default
skin / frontend / blank / default
The background design-theme of the last set a "Default" out, it is best to fill in the name of the theme of "default" file

My magento website has Installation the default theam:Refrigerator magnet online shop


Magento setting for Google analytics

Magento and google have many features are seamlessly integrated, this show a magento seo aspects of the powerful.

Magento not foolish enough to the page to add the google analytic tracking code to activate the google analytic's e-commerce tracking service, the site conversion rate panoramic view.

1.log in google analytics,and add new config,input your website domain,get the analytics ID.
2.copy your analytics ID,go to your magento admin panel->system->configuration->google API->google analytics->account number,paste the ID here,and reflush your cache.
3.go back to google analytics and continue anther setting...

The example of my magento website:fridge-magnet-online-shop and foot locker


The classification of the fridge magnet

The classification of the fridge magnet:
    The fridge magnet is divided into 2 A magnetic paste another sticker affixed magnetic affixed reusable adhesive stickers is a one-time are generally used to decorate, but also used to record the food stored in the refrigeratoralso reminded function short function.  
       The classification of magnetic products:  
1) magnetic refrigerator: soft magnets below + above coated paper color printing peritoneal made​​. Thermometer fridge magnet  
2): following soft magnet + above coated paper four-color printing mounted Film + thermometer. 
3) Magnetic Bookmarks: The following soft magnet (suction magnetic) + four-color printing of the above coated paper peritoneal fold production percent.  
4) magnetic whiteboard message board: soft magnet (or cardboard) + four-color coated paper print mounted Film + erasable pen. 
 5) magnetic photo frame: a soft magnet mounted on coated paper color printing peritoneum, in the middle punching phase The box is made. Or the frame of the double photo frame, PVC frames, cardboard photo frames and other materials produced in accordance with the request. 
6) magnetic memo pad: soft magnets below + four-color printing of the above coated paper mounted Film + Scratch Pad, or a separate memo pad, to facilitate this.  
7) Magnetic Puzzles (cardboard jigsaw puzzle): The following soft magnet (or cardboard gray paperboard) + four-color printing of the above coated paper mounted beam splitter, middle punching design a small piece of the puzzle to make while.  
8) PVC soft fridge magnet: PVC soft glue dispensing patterns backed with magnets made ​​of 
9) tin fridge magnet: a four-color printing package paper craft + plastic floppy disk is made.  
10) EVA dart board: EVA + below the middle sheet iron + coated paper of the above four-color printing mounted bright film + dart head. 
11) glass refrigerator: the following soft magnet + above coated paper color printing + semi-circular glass window peritoneum is made of  
12) Epoxy fridge magnet: soft magnets below + above coated paper color printing + epoxy peritoneal made


The role of the fridge magnets

The role of the fridge magnet:
    The refrigerator is generally used to stick a decoration, also has to do with the memorandum, also is the small notes, such as the refrigerator or other food to buy what vegetables, you may remember in the fridge magnet.


how to get backlinks from google search engine

when i beginning seo,i am learn some seo's konwledge from intert,and most articles told  me get the backlinks of your web site is "link:www.yourdomain.com",but today i found is not really ture,just input the "www.topfriend-shop.com" to get the website"topfriend-shop" backlinks.